The minstrel show in its earliest form shows white performers crossing genres and taking part in activities that may not do without being under a guise. While the minstrel shows attempted to reinforce stereotypes it also demonstrated how whites would like to act if they were not judged by society. A large change occurs when African Americans begin to perform in minstrel shows, some may believe that they’re accepting the stereotype. I believe that these African Americans took these roles to act subversively and point out the ridiculous of the stereotypes and help dismiss them. I think a modern day example of African Americans accepting a role in a minstrel type show to bring about change is Dave Chappelle in the Chappelle show. In a certain sketch, Clayton Bigsby, Chappelle plays a blind racist white supremacist who is actually black and the color of his skin is not known to himself or to his followers. Bigsby takes on the role of an overt racist making jokes which makes the audience confused at whether to laugh or not because of how racist they are. In this scene Chappelle is taking the issue of racism and mocking it for how ridiculous it is to judge someone for the color of their skin. It is in this manner that he plays what can be seen as a minstrel part playing to racial stereotypes while at the same time undermining it.
Clayton Bigsby and the Modern day minstrel show
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