“They had leaked 3,000 albums a year across every genre. Across the globe they had built a network of infiltration and dissemination” (Witt 258). The large influx of music put on the internet and the fact that many were now able to access this music for free had dramatic effects. The artists losing money was a problem, but a larger issue loomed over that. Now, many kids and adults had access to as much music as they wanted and they’d listen to genres they may have not previously explored. This may seem like a positive thing, but as some of these consumers became artists themselves, they were largely influenced by artists across multiple genres. I think as artists created their own music and altered genres, the deeper meaning and identity of the genre may have been lost and instead music was created that did not have a deeper meaning and it was just essentially a shallow pop song hoping to bring in revenue.
Did pirating kill music identity?
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